
religion requisite

i will admit that BYU seems to draw the very strangest people.
VERY strange.

I was in my book of mormon class today and two things struck me as very odd.
There is a guy in my class who must be at least 25. (that's kind of old for that class because most of the people in there are in their first semester at school)
Anyway, this man ALWAYS knows the answers. especially to the most obscure questions.
Today he came into class late. which was weird within its self. his pocket looked like it had maybe his cellphone or wallet in it, you know, something was in there but it didn't look huge. that is when i realized men have endless pockets. or at least he did.
out came:
1 cell phone
1 wallet
3 toy cars
1 bag of cheerios.
and after all this his pocket still looked full. was there really more in there? it bugged me all class.
now i assume he has a kid. either that or he really likes cheerios and toy cars. which i don't judge. to each their own.

so here i am in BOM laughing at this guy with a mary poppins pocket when i notice something else strange....
the girl two seats ahead of me and one row over is chewing on her pencil. chewing on a pencil isn't that weird. the weird thing was the pencil. It was a regular number 2 pencil. with a few homemade upgrades.
it had a big gushy eraser. held on by a thin strap of duct tape wrapped tightly around it.
it had a little side clip. the ones you find on mechanical pencils or pens, also held on with duct tape.
i wonder if she knows that she can buy a pencil that already has one of those. or maybe she just likes her very specific pencil.....either way i thought it was odd.

day maker: i was at work (yuck) and while filing away some plants (smelly smelly plants) I came across this priceless name; Mentzelia todiltoensis. focus on the todiltoe. haha. mommy it sounds like toetal (tally). and it sounds like toad toes. either way i laughed to myself for a good minute.

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