
next chapter

ever feel like everything is about to change? it's thrilling and terrifying all at once.



I am grateful for friends. The ones that make me feel important, the ones that for reasons I'll never understand think I am hilarious, and the ones that will always listen to me. I don't want to name them because I'm afraid of leaving some one out and that is not at all what I want. If you consider yourself my friend, you are, and this post is about you. I love you. Thank you for loving me too. Sometimes all I need is to know that someone does. And sometimes all I need is to laugh so hard it hurts. Which you accomplish as well. I am grateful.


I'm grateful for the opportunity to live away from home right now. (Though happily not too far away.)
I am grateful for the things I am learning. Things I wouldn't have learned at home.
For example:
 I am learning how to budget. Today I even got new checks from the bank because I finally ran out of the complementary ones. (they have trees on them and i love them. the end.)
I am learning how to live on ten dollars for a whole week after I fail at budgeting.
I am learning how to schedule my time. Which may take me forever to learn to do.
I am learning things about myself and what I need as an individual that I could never have realized at home.
I am learning to better appreciate my siblings and parents.
I am learning, and I'm grateful for that.



(yes i skipped 2. 2 just got pictures taken that i am waiting on, so the post will come later)
After 1&2 these have no reason for the order they are in. Just what I think of.

So 3.

I am grateful for the smell of oil paints. No one can understand the joy I felt this weekend as I came home and the whole house smelled of my Daddy's paints. I have not had this aroma grace my nose in my home since I was five. (Admittedly at least once a week I go to the BYU bookstore and smell the paints, pastels, charcoals, paper...it's a disease.) But Daddy has not painted for almost 15 years. I about cried when I saw him working. It was beautiful.



The first thing i need to express my gratitude for is the gospel of Jesus Christ. There is nothing more important in my life than my Savior and Heavenly Father. They are always there and they will always love me. just for being me, which is the greatest blessing i can think of.

There is a peace and joy that come with knowing that you have a Father in Heaven who loves you and that will lead you to your greatest joys if you just give everything to him. I love my Savior. I know what he did for me, and i know it was for me. This gospel is beautiful.

photo credit to the internet and temple picture to my daddy.


october and november are undoubtedly two of my favorite months. november is especially dear to me. thanksgiving is my very favorite holiday. and to honor thanksgiving, november, and everything i have i shall post 30 things that i am most thankful for. (30 days in november get it?) this idea is semi-stolen from hilary's wonderful blog, sorry i'm not too original.


this is five posts in one.

acutally, i didn't count. it may be more. it may be less. we shall see.

this weekend i:
was hermoine granger to lacey's ron and jenny's harry. (oh trust me, pictures to come.)
i went to the uvu dance with my wizarding friends who got double takes all night as people tried to figure out whether they were girls or prepubecent boys.
dennys and high school kids asking if we just got done trick or treating. pure joy.

sunday was:
my big brothers homecoming! the boy is home from brazil. (post on this to come later...maybe. yes.) i missed him. and apparently so did the rest of the world because they all tried to squeeze into our little house. our house floweth over.

it also was:
HILARY NORTON'S 20TH BIRTHDAY! once again hil, happy birthday my dear! please pour out your two decades of knowledge upon me! ask my mom, i need it.

and then today:
i declared my major. it was frightening. and exhilirating. i'll tell you all about it later.

so it was less...who da thunk.