
School Teacher, Policeman, Fireman....all over rated.

Lately I have realized that I have absolutely no idea what I want to be. I also realized I would like to have that figured out before I am three years into college. I remember once upon a time in the lovely grade of ten I was forced to take a test that would tell me what I was most capable of going into as a living. The top two the test gave me? Bus driver and crossing guard. Correct me if I'm wrong, but crossing guards don't get paid do they? (Plus I'm starting to firmly believe that that test wanted me to be a creeper on small children.) So today I decided to search for my dream career. Here is what I found:

Wrinkle Chaser

A Wrinkle Chaser is the person that irons wrinkles from shoes as they are being made to ensure they are perfectly smooth when you buy them.
Perfect! I have a strange loathing for wrinkled shoes....not.

Chicken Sexer

This is a real job title. A chicken sexer sorts through baby chicks to determine if they are male or female, and then segregate them.
Smelly and dealing with birds. Oh my two least favorite things.

Citrus Fruit Colorer

A Citrus Fruit Colorer, with the help of steam and chemicals, gives citrus fruit a more natural coloring, because fruit is usually picked before it is fully ripe.
Now who doesn't love citrus and coloring??

Celluloid Trimmer

A Celluloid Trimmer shaves down a golf club and then adds celluloid bands onto the golf clubs to make the leather grip stay in place.
Um yes....I'll take one of those...?

Odor Judgers

Odor Judgers get to smell armpits all day to help make deodorants that will work well. I'm not sure why somebody other than some strange fetishist would want this job.
Two words; DREAM JOB.

Furniture Tester

Now here's a good one. The La-z-Boy Company (and probably others) employs furniture testers to check out their recliners. Want to relax for a living?
Now this job I would be AMAZING at. No sarcasm included.

As you can tell I have very high hopes for my future. Don't you worry Mr. W., I'm dreaming big and I am sure to see you at the top. Amen.

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